Friday, March 5, 2010

This broad just keeps getting better.

Heidi, Heidi, Heidi... you just don't know when to zip your fat injected lips, do you? If your plastic surgeon is cutting you off then it's probably time to scale back on the "upgrades". Oh, but wait... your boobs aren't big enough, right?
"I love my boobs, but I still want to improve. I didn't get them as big as I originally wanted." Heidi says, adding that she wants to up them to a size H "for Heidi".
A size fucking H?! No one in their right fucking mind wants boobs that are a size H! And not because you think they'll look good, but you want your boobs to start with the same letter as your name? They'll also conveniently start with the same letter as "Hooker", "Hot Tranny Mess", "Hypocrite", and "Herpes" (which is something that I desperately hope you have). Good Christ, someone please put this bitch down immediately.

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